
Niche Project Guy

The "Niche Project Guy" project was created to provide me with a place to document my journey to create various online income streams to replace my income from my job, allowing me to become truely location independent and financially free.

Although I have been building websites and doing internet marketing for over 10 years in various forms, I got burnt out and took a break from all online marketing and web development activities a few years ago.

However, a few weeks ago I got "bitten by the bug" again as I felt the urge to control when I wake up, where I go for the day (or stay in bed) and have more control over when I work and how much I earn (working a 9-5 salaried job doesn't usually reward you for working harder and caring about the employer's bottom line).

So, at this stage I am not sure how often I will send out updates, initially probably only once a month (or randomly) but I am excited to have a place to document my successes (and probably some failures too) on this journey to create an income stream from scratch.

Let's do this!

Welcome to Niche Project Guy!

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